Tuesday 1 December 2009

Preliminary Task

Final Front cover design

This is the final copy of my school magazine front cover. I am very happy with this cover as i think it looks very professional. I selected colours that were bright and cheerful, and that didnt favour any gender, so the magazine is right for everybody. I chose a picture on the front of a normal school girl doing work on the computer. I chose this image so that everyone can relate to the picture. I included as much information on my front cover as possible, so people think that the magazine is worth reading. I also included articles on the front page that would be suited for everyone, of all ages to genders. I included the school badge so that everyone who picks up the magazine knows what school it represents. I also included a website on the front so that people can gather even more knowledge if necessary. I called my magazine ' The learning curve' as i felt that this was very appropirate for a school magazine as people come to school to learn and after reading this magazine, your knowledge will go up. On the front cover i broke information down with boxes and different colours, so that it is very visual and looks fun. This should help it to appeal to students.

Contents page final version

Photography lesson

Rough layout ideas for contents page

Rough layout ideas for front cover

Ananysis of existing publications
I have analysed three different university prosectus's to try and gather an idea of what magazines designed for young people to give information in a formal way are like. I found that each one is different but they all have similar aims and features. All of the magazines contain bright pictures of people smiling that they feel would represent the university. Each magazine contains the name of the university in big letters so that the reader has the name of the university reinforced in their head. The magazines all let you no that they are a university prospectus to, so that the reader knows exactly what they are reading and finds in clear. They also all make their universitys seem fun and exciting and full of opportunity, this is how i am aiming to represent my school in my magazine.

Initial Plan

Today we started looking at our media coursework. For our preliminary task we are creating the front page and contents page of a school magazine. We created a
list of research and planning that will be needed in order to create our magazine:
Investigate who my target audience is, younger, older, teachers, parents?
Look at publications for people aged 11-18, perspectives, leaflets, posters, analyse content
Talk to target audience, gather information about what they want from a school magazine, questionnaires, interviews.
Show what different colours, logos mean, research,create diagrams.
Gather initial ideas; create designs, sketches, name, logo, fonts.
Take photos, select best to include in magazine.
Put ideas on computer.
Gather school newsletters, find out what is going on in schools recently, include this in my magazine.
Look at school websites, gather pictures-textual analysis.
Look at other school magazines; get an idea of articles/pictures. Type of language used.