Thursday 29 April 2010

Candidate details

Candidate name- Elizabeth Budd
Candidate no-
Centre name- John F Kennedy School
Centre no-17131

Feedback from classmates that have viewed my work

Feedback on Front cover-
'I really like the colour scheme, i think the strap lines look really professional.'
'The articles sound really interesting, i want to read the magazine!'
'I really like the positioning of the boy on the front, i like how he is looking into the distance, he looks really intense.'

Feedback on contents page-
'I really like how all the colours go together, you even picked one of a real celebrity that matched!'
'Its good thats its split into two parts as it makes it easier to read.'
'I like how there is a website at the bottom of the page, it makes it seem really professional and like it really is a magazine!'

Feedback on double page spread-
'I think the interview itself is really good, its professional and finds out all the right information but has jokes in there at the same time.'
'I think it would be good if the interview talked more about his provate life but apart from that it looks really good, i like the image of him by the mini!'
'I like the font you selected for the headline at the very beginning of the spread, it looks like its hand written which i like. '

What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from the preliminary last to the full project?

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this project?

How did you attract/address your audience?

Who would be the audience for your media product?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Final double page spread page 3

This is the final page of my double page spread. I chose the first image as i thought a picture of my star with a big smile on his face, smiling into the camera would make him seem attractive and friendly. This is the impression i wanted to give. I chose the second picture- of my model standing next to a girly car, so that girls will be able to relate to things my star likes. This will make them interested in him as its shocking that such a big star has a feminine side, and will make them feel similar to my star and on a similar wave length to him. I have tried to create this effect throughout my whole interview. I have made my star seem sensitive and focused on his work. I have made him to be an inspiration to many and be very modest about his looks and celebrity status. I feel this personality I have created will appeal to many young girls who read my magazine, as these are qualities that women look for in men.

Final double page spread page 2

This is the second page of my double page spread. I chose this picture of my star staring directly into the camera looking intense to make the readers feel that he is really connecting with them. I chose to write the headline over the top of the picture and i chose an orange font as i felt this showed up the best.

Final double page spread page 1

For my double page spread, i wanted a big headline at the top that would draw people in to read my magazine. I chose the headline that i did as I thought that this would appeal to young girls, as sensitive, caring boys would appeal. I kept with the colour scheme of red and white so that this spread matches my front cover and contents page. I chose the picture i did as it looked good after i had photo shopped it to make the image of the boy clear and the background blury. I decided that this put more emphasis on the celebrity. The picture is also very casual, and looks like my star isnt looking at the camera. I wanted to create this effect so that my celebrity seems focused on his music and his talent, rather then being photographed and having fame. I thought this would make girls respect my artist more for his talent, and make him seem down to Earth.

Front cover final

This is my media front cover. I am very pleased with the overall effect of my front cover and i really like the colour scheme. I chose the image on the front as it was a clear, mid shot of my 'celebrity' and the top that the boy is wearing fits in with my colour scheme. After looking at several other magazines, i found that they had sections at the very top and bottom of the page with pieces of information that are included in the magazine. I included this in my magazine as i feel it helps it to look professional. I included a festival in my magazine that is very popular and i feel that this article will draw in viewers. I used the colours in my masthead that i was intending to at the beginning of my project, however, i didnt underline my masthead as i felt that it was effective enough on it own, without underlining it. I included the date underneath my masthead, so that readers will no how recent this magazine is. I included articles on my front cover that i feel will draw in readers. For example, Cheryl Cole is very popular with many young girls, so i felt that if i included her on the front of my magazine, it would have high appeal. I felt that my 'new bands to take notice of this year' article would be very effective too, as many young girls want to be ahead of the crowd and up to date with music and songs so that can keep up with their peers, i thought that this would intice them to read my magazine, so they can read about what bands will be popular this year before they are even out yet. I placed the barcode and price at the bottom of my page, as i want people to read all the articles in my magazine and be up for buying it, so that when they see the price, they feel that it is worth it, as the magazine contains a lot of information that they would be interested in.I also included a rhetorical question adressing the audience directly on my front cover, to engage them and want to read my magazine.

Contents page final

I chose microsoft publisher to produce my work in. I first chose the colour scheme, based on the colours i am going to use for my front page. I split my contents page into two parts, to make it clearer for my reader to see. I placed the word contents at the top of my page so readers were clearly aware of what they were reading. I started my contents list with 'This week in Exclusive' so that readers were clear that the magazine comes out every week. I selected articls that included celebrities from my origional collage, that are popular with young girls. I also chose to include a picture of Cheryl Cole, as, not ony is she popula with young girls but her outfit in this picture is red and black, which fits in with the colour scheme of my magazine. I am pleased with how the pictures overlap with each ther as i think this looks professional.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Photo shoot

For my photo shoot I wanted it to be very casual. After researching past interviews with stars, i feel that the more relaxed the interview seems, the more comfortable i am reading it. On the basic of this, i took lots of pictures with my model smiling and laughing. I dressed him very casual and placed him in places and situations that normal people would feel comfortable in. I wanted my audience to feel that they could relate to my star and i felt that this was the right way to go about it, to make him seem down to earth. I also tried to make my star carry out day to day activities that everyone can relate to, such as playing football and driving.
For my double page spread, i have decided to place the artist name at the top of my page. This means that the readers would know exactly what they were reading about as soon as they turned to the article. I would then write a quote from the article underneath this headline to draw readers to read the interview and be interested to find out more. I would then place a strapline directly underneath this quote, explaining a bit about the interview and what information it contains. On the left side of my page i would include an image of my celebrity, dressed casually and smiling. On the right side of my page, i would have my interview. I would start it with a paragraph explaining about my chosen celebrity and then i would go through the questions with them, stating clearly when a question is being asked and when the celebrity is answering.

This is the plan of my layout for my contents page. I have the title contents at the top of the page where it can be seen clearly so that the readers know what they are reading quickly and easily. I have underlined it and written it in red so that it matches the colour of my masthead. I have split the sections for my contents page into two parts. The first section i have listed the articles from the front of my magazine and in the second section I have listed the rest of the articles in my magazine. This makes it easy for the reader to find the articles they are interested in. I have two pictures on my contents page. In my final contents page I would like to have one picture of my cover star next to my 'On the cover' articles and one picture of another star next to the other section of my contents. I would like to write the page numbers after my article names rather then before as this means that people will be able to read and see if they are interested in the article before they find out the page number.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Front cover layout analysis

I chose three different names that could be used for my masthead. I tried to select names that had something to do with music, and my favourite overall was strum, as the short simple word looks effective, and it ties in with music, which is central to my magazine. From the research that i gathered, i decided that the colours red and white are very effective, so i created designs that fitted around this. My favourite out of all three designs was the white on the red background as the writing stands out. The use of capital letters also draws attention to the title of my magazine and helps it to be memerable. I also like the idea of underlining my title as this reinforces the name. I like the shape used around the title 'STRUM' as it is a fairly modern shape, and the fact that it has no corners make it seem relaxed. I am going to place my title at the top of my magazine rather then down the side as the 'URBAN' title is doing, as i think this stands out more and looks better.
This is an article from magazine Q. Colours used in this article are the same to that of the masthead on the front cover. The central image is of a boyband standing in a normal street. The quote featured below this image is 'we're normal dudes'. The fact that the boys are standing on a normal street ties in with this quote and i like this about the magazine. Colour scheme is again, black writing on a white background and this makes the writing easy to read. The picture is the main focus of this article, rather then the writing.

This is an article from music magazine Kerrang! The image featured in the magazine is of a young man, wearing dramatic makeup. He has long flowing hair and looks mysterious and serious. This man appeals as he looks interesting and makes readers want to know more about him. Colours used in the article are dark and mysterious, with a white background. This makes the writing stand out and easy to read. I would like to use a close up image like this in my magazine, but i think that if the model i use was smiling on a brighter background, this may appeal more to young girls.

This contents page is for rock magazine Kerrang! The same colours are used in this contents page to that of the front cover of Kerrang. The colours of this magazine are yellow and black, and these would appeal to both genders as they are neutral colours that work well together. There are lots of pictures in this contents page which makes it seem interesting and busy. The pictures on this contents page fit into the theme of the magazine- rough around the edges and jagged. The contents is split into three sections and this makes the articles inside the magazine easy to find. I think this magazine is very effective, but I think females would prefer one simple effective picture that looks sleek, rather then lots of busy, powerful images.

Analysis- existing contents page

This contents page uses the same colour scheme that is used in the masthead of Q magazine. There is a border on the top of the page, with a copy of the magazines masthead. This reinforces the name of the magazine. There is the title 'contents' at the top of the page, which lets the readers no exactly what they are reading. The date is featured next to the title and this may appeal to readers as they know exactly when the magazine was published. The article titles featured in the magazine are broken into two parts, and this makes the layout of the contents page appear easier to read and clearer. The main artists that are featured on the front cover of the same magazine is featured in the middle of the page and this is good as it allows people that have chosen the magazine purely for the artist on the front to find their article quickly. The colour scheme used in the masthead of the magazine is featured throughout and these colours are bold and bright. I would like to use similar colours in my final contents page.

Masthead analysis

Overall, the existing publications i have gathered have given me a large idea as to what would appeal to young girls in a magazine. Bold colours that go together is a strong factor in all the magazines, and the pictures on the front are usually strong and interesting. The mastheads are always at the top of the magazine, in large writing. Capital letters are also commonly used. I would like to do further research into mastheads to give me more of an idea what i would like mine to be like, as there is so much varitey. I have noticed that in several of the magazines i researched, the 'plus' sign was used. This gives an effect that the magazine contains lots of information and i would like to use this on my front cover.

Analysis of existing publications

I chose to analyse this publication as it is from an older time. I decided to gather a large variety of different magazines that all appeal, and put elements of them all together in my final piece. The overall colour scheme of this magazine is very effective as it looks classy and professional, and i would consider using these colours for my final piece.

Analysis of existing publications

I selected this publication to analyse as the image on the front is very powerful. The man is young, with dramatic makeup and the theme of the magazine is dark and mysterious. This front cover is fairly simple, with not to much information, but it is very effective. I was attracted to this magazine and, as i fit the age group i am aiming to appeal to, i would like to use parts of this publication to influence my own.

Analysis of existing publications

I chose to upload this magazine cover as the woman on the front is attractive and young- much like the women featured in my collage. The image on the front is also very bold so i decided this would be a good publication to analyse.

Collage influencing my chosen genre of music

The target audience i chose for my music magazine is fifteen to twenty five year old girls. I asked several girls in this age group to name their favourite artists and i gathered pictures of these artists to see if there was a correlation between them to try and understand why they would appeal to this audience. From my collage i noticed that a lot of the men were attractive and dressed in a casual way. Hair styles were usually long and wavy and the men were all of a young age. When choosing my model for my magazine i will be sure to use someone that fits this description. The women celebrities were usually dressed in a very fashionable way, with long hair and dramatic makeup. If i select a girl to be on the front of my magazine i would like her to be similar to these celebrities.