Thursday 29 April 2010

Final double page spread page 1

For my double page spread, i wanted a big headline at the top that would draw people in to read my magazine. I chose the headline that i did as I thought that this would appeal to young girls, as sensitive, caring boys would appeal. I kept with the colour scheme of red and white so that this spread matches my front cover and contents page. I chose the picture i did as it looked good after i had photo shopped it to make the image of the boy clear and the background blury. I decided that this put more emphasis on the celebrity. The picture is also very casual, and looks like my star isnt looking at the camera. I wanted to create this effect so that my celebrity seems focused on his music and his talent, rather then being photographed and having fame. I thought this would make girls respect my artist more for his talent, and make him seem down to Earth.

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