Tuesday 27 April 2010

I chose three different names that could be used for my masthead. I tried to select names that had something to do with music, and my favourite overall was strum, as the short simple word looks effective, and it ties in with music, which is central to my magazine. From the research that i gathered, i decided that the colours red and white are very effective, so i created designs that fitted around this. My favourite out of all three designs was the white on the red background as the writing stands out. The use of capital letters also draws attention to the title of my magazine and helps it to be memerable. I also like the idea of underlining my title as this reinforces the name. I like the shape used around the title 'STRUM' as it is a fairly modern shape, and the fact that it has no corners make it seem relaxed. I am going to place my title at the top of my magazine rather then down the side as the 'URBAN' title is doing, as i think this stands out more and looks better.

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