Thursday 29 April 2010

Feedback from classmates that have viewed my work

Feedback on Front cover-
'I really like the colour scheme, i think the strap lines look really professional.'
'The articles sound really interesting, i want to read the magazine!'
'I really like the positioning of the boy on the front, i like how he is looking into the distance, he looks really intense.'

Feedback on contents page-
'I really like how all the colours go together, you even picked one of a real celebrity that matched!'
'Its good thats its split into two parts as it makes it easier to read.'
'I like how there is a website at the bottom of the page, it makes it seem really professional and like it really is a magazine!'

Feedback on double page spread-
'I think the interview itself is really good, its professional and finds out all the right information but has jokes in there at the same time.'
'I think it would be good if the interview talked more about his provate life but apart from that it looks really good, i like the image of him by the mini!'
'I like the font you selected for the headline at the very beginning of the spread, it looks like its hand written which i like. '

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