Thursday 29 April 2010

Final double page spread page 3

This is the final page of my double page spread. I chose the first image as i thought a picture of my star with a big smile on his face, smiling into the camera would make him seem attractive and friendly. This is the impression i wanted to give. I chose the second picture- of my model standing next to a girly car, so that girls will be able to relate to things my star likes. This will make them interested in him as its shocking that such a big star has a feminine side, and will make them feel similar to my star and on a similar wave length to him. I have tried to create this effect throughout my whole interview. I have made my star seem sensitive and focused on his work. I have made him to be an inspiration to many and be very modest about his looks and celebrity status. I feel this personality I have created will appeal to many young girls who read my magazine, as these are qualities that women look for in men.

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