Thursday 29 April 2010

Front cover final

This is my media front cover. I am very pleased with the overall effect of my front cover and i really like the colour scheme. I chose the image on the front as it was a clear, mid shot of my 'celebrity' and the top that the boy is wearing fits in with my colour scheme. After looking at several other magazines, i found that they had sections at the very top and bottom of the page with pieces of information that are included in the magazine. I included this in my magazine as i feel it helps it to look professional. I included a festival in my magazine that is very popular and i feel that this article will draw in viewers. I used the colours in my masthead that i was intending to at the beginning of my project, however, i didnt underline my masthead as i felt that it was effective enough on it own, without underlining it. I included the date underneath my masthead, so that readers will no how recent this magazine is. I included articles on my front cover that i feel will draw in readers. For example, Cheryl Cole is very popular with many young girls, so i felt that if i included her on the front of my magazine, it would have high appeal. I felt that my 'new bands to take notice of this year' article would be very effective too, as many young girls want to be ahead of the crowd and up to date with music and songs so that can keep up with their peers, i thought that this would intice them to read my magazine, so they can read about what bands will be popular this year before they are even out yet. I placed the barcode and price at the bottom of my page, as i want people to read all the articles in my magazine and be up for buying it, so that when they see the price, they feel that it is worth it, as the magazine contains a lot of information that they would be interested in.I also included a rhetorical question adressing the audience directly on my front cover, to engage them and want to read my magazine.

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