Tuesday 27 April 2010

Analysis- existing contents page

This contents page uses the same colour scheme that is used in the masthead of Q magazine. There is a border on the top of the page, with a copy of the magazines masthead. This reinforces the name of the magazine. There is the title 'contents' at the top of the page, which lets the readers no exactly what they are reading. The date is featured next to the title and this may appeal to readers as they know exactly when the magazine was published. The article titles featured in the magazine are broken into two parts, and this makes the layout of the contents page appear easier to read and clearer. The main artists that are featured on the front cover of the same magazine is featured in the middle of the page and this is good as it allows people that have chosen the magazine purely for the artist on the front to find their article quickly. The colour scheme used in the masthead of the magazine is featured throughout and these colours are bold and bright. I would like to use similar colours in my final contents page.

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