Wednesday 28 April 2010

This is the plan of my layout for my contents page. I have the title contents at the top of the page where it can be seen clearly so that the readers know what they are reading quickly and easily. I have underlined it and written it in red so that it matches the colour of my masthead. I have split the sections for my contents page into two parts. The first section i have listed the articles from the front of my magazine and in the second section I have listed the rest of the articles in my magazine. This makes it easy for the reader to find the articles they are interested in. I have two pictures on my contents page. In my final contents page I would like to have one picture of my cover star next to my 'On the cover' articles and one picture of another star next to the other section of my contents. I would like to write the page numbers after my article names rather then before as this means that people will be able to read and see if they are interested in the article before they find out the page number.

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